Monday, May 23, 2016

Up-close Rose

I really like this rose painting. I got the inspiration from Georgia O' Keefe's paintings. It was hard, but fun! I first did the light pink outlines, then I did the background. After that I had to do the shading. For the shading, I made each petal dark when it got closer to the actual flower, then fade into light when it gets closer to us. After that, all I had to do was make a second layer on the pink, and there! A beautiful rose!                                                                  -Annika


  1. I love Georgia O' Keefe! She really inspires me and I am a big fan of her work. I love the rose you did! Great gob on the shapes and shading! love it;)

  2. Omg! Georgia O' Keefe's work is so good! I love her! This is never as good as her work!

  3. OMG, this painting is SUPER COOL!

  4. Looks so cool!!! U guys are so good at art!
